Sing*Dance*Play* Music is What We Breathe!

***ANNOUNCEMENT for DANCERS!*** The deadline in our online Dancers competition has been extended to November 30th. If you love to dance, please consider entering this event and be rewarded with references and an evaluation, as well as the chance to win some great prizes and achieve wider recognition. Please write for details.


At World Oceans Arts we have established ourselves as a theatrical and film production company which sometimes does beautiful visual arts projects and live multi-arts events as well. Those live events always include music -- and in 2018 we will watch AcquaTroupe, our live performance and recording entity, come into full blossom. Our rapid entry into the film and video world will continue as we release our dramatic flic Litany, and continue producing videos and documentaries about performers, Shakespeare, and the arts world. We will also film 1969 just in time to chronicle the upheavals in our social and cultural world today, which are so reminiscent of the late '60s and early '70s.

But at the same time, we are energized and excited about a strong focus on music and dance in 2018. As we send performers to all 50 states and interact with ensembles and artists and organizations around North America, we will be providing opportunities for a lot of singers and dancers and instrumentalists and composers to emerge from their cocoons of anonymity. We will produce CDs and videos of music ranging from electronic to purely vocal, from hybrid rock-jazz-soul-ethnic collaborations to pieces which give new meaning to the terms 'symphony' and 'opera' and 'cantata'. 

It may be hard to believe, but many people in the world still think that all classical composers died in the 19th century. We will be bringing the stunning music of many, many twenty-first century classical composers to a world which will doubtless be amazed. I will ask AcquaTroupe to help me celebrate three composers the world lost recently, who had a profound personal impact on my own career: Karel Husa, Leslie Bassett and Steven Stucky. In my own non-classical songs, and through the voices of many gifted 'rockers' and 'folkies'  we will also remember some of my other heroes and friends who are gone but never forgotten: Carl and Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys, John Stewart and Nick Reynolds of the original Kingston Trio, Mary Travers and John Lennon and George Harrison, Tom Petty and Dan Seals and so many others.

So it will be an extraordinary year for me personally; but even more importantly, it will be a year for singing and dancing and playing music in ways that we hope will enliven and teach and excite a much larger audience. As people groove to our live performances and listen to our CDs and watch our videos, we hope and predict that music will fill them with new breath, new ideas and new hope. These are the things that a complicated and often stressful world needs. Music has helped sustain people since the first caveperson imitated a bird song. It will always continue to do so. Please come and be part of our adventure in sound and movement and beautiful expression of all the things which are important to us!

--James Gibson


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